Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.
{Vera Nazarian}
You know the feeling. Opening a book for the first time, it’s like opening a door and being transported somewhere new. That’s what makes books so special—you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your favorite comfy chair to experience the fantastical. It’s beautiful, and we know you know what we mean 😉
What if a book can do more than that? What if, by opening a book, you’re given the opportunity to open multiple doors, to multiple new worlds? The newest addition to the REUTS collection does just that! Please join me in welcoming (and congratulating) Kathleen Palm, and her debut novel, DOORS. (Now you recognize the pun in the title. Clever, huh?)
The REUTS family is overjoyed to now include Kathleen, and her truly unique tale—a mix of BBC’s Dr. Who, Disney’s Monster’s Inc.:
“DOORS is a unique blend of colorful fantasy and literary character journey. Brimming with flowing prose and fantastic world-building, readers are swept away in a magical journey. In a world where rules aren’t meant to be questioned and curiosity is stifled, Bryndel forges forbidden paths on a quest to conquer the unknown and test her inner strength.”
You can download the full press release by clicking here.
Please make sure you offer Kathleen a warm welcome and congratulations!
She can be found on Twitter at @KathleenPalm, or on Goodreads
and she maintains an active blogging presence on her website.
About Kathleen
When a portal didn’t whisk her away to another world, Kathleen Palm decided she’d have to create them. As a kid, she filled sketchpads with drawings of strange creatures and wondrous worlds. She dreamed of being an illustrator and studied art in college. However, in the middle of being a stay-at-home mom with two toddlers, the desire to write her own stories struck. The completely not crazy thing to do. She embarked on the journey of insanity and never looked back, except to keep an eye out for the TARDIS or faeries because, well… because. She loves the weird, the scary, and the fantastical, believing that magic makes the world a better place. Her kids, husband, cats, dog, and tortoises add laughter and general chaos to her life, which includes writing, reading, or watching strange television shows, featuring demons or time travel.