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RCNTC Team Prize

You all know the prize if your team has the highest word count is a drafting journal, ready for you to fill its pages with the next best seller! But, what you don’t know is how it looks. Have no fear! We’ve got it all figured out, and are…

Meet the Staff: Acquisitions Dir. Jessica McQuay!

The Rules of the Game: Introduce yourself, providing a little background on your role at REUTS and any other important tidbits.

Hi REUTies! My name is Jessica McQuay and I am the Acquisitions Director here at REUTS. I’m not so great at talking about myself, so I’ll stick to the…

REUTS Camp Nano Teams!!

It’s time, REUTIES! Time to find your team, and start reporting. You’ll see we’ve split everyone into fairly even teams based on genre, and assigned you to a REUTS team member who is writing, or familiar with, that genre. Reporting each week is easy. Every Sunday simply email  your current…

REUTS Publication Camp Nano Teams – The Low Down

Today is July 1st! The beginning of Camp Nano, and the inaugural REUTS Camp Nano Team Competition! RCNTC, for short… which really isn’t any shorter… As promised in last week’s first, official (non-blog) newsletter, here’s all the information you need if you’ve signed up to participate. And if you happened to miss…


This page is no longer up-to-date. Please check our new FAQs, here.
Is there a minimum age to publish with REUTS?

Absolutely not! A minimum age would put a restriction on the talent we receive.

Can you live outside of the United States and publish with REUTS?

We have a global team, and global…

REUTS is global– huzzah!

We just keep growing! And this time, we’ve stretched our roots all the way to the Outback! As we watch our book collection expanding, we realize REUTS needs more manpower in all areas of production. This time, we’re adding to our team a very talented, very successful graphic designer…

And hiding behind curtain number one…

You’ll notice a lot of good news coming from REUTS within the next few weeks. We’re going to kick off that good news with the best kind of good news imaginable (confused yet?).  How about you take a peak behind Curtain Number One… go ahead… it’s okay…

It’s Emily Taylor!

Cue Dove Release!

REUTS is full of new happenings, but this blog post is specific, and only addressing one of them. Oh trust me, it’s a big “one”, there’s no denying that! As you all know, the REUTS team started small, but with a big mission: change the industry, and make things…