A lot of you have been anxiously awaiting this day. January 31st. At first glance, the date doesn’t seem special, but for those who participated in the second annual Project REUTSway competition last November, today is both an exciting and nerve-wracking day. You’ve been waiting since we traveled the world—from the blistering desert heat of EGYPT, to the cultural and colorful myths of ASIA, and everywhere in between.
Now we’re back. In the comforts of our homes. Waiting for the final announcement.
And, guess what? The time has finally come to reveal both the winners and runner-ups.
BUT, before that, the REUTS team and judges all would like to give a heartfelt thank you to the many authors who gave time out of their week to write a short story within our whacky prompts. Without YOU, there would be no US. So, thank you!
All right, no more stalling. Scroll down to see the winners & runner-ups!
(No particular order— this does not reflect the final arrangement in the anthology)
Week 1: Write Like an Egyptian
The Century Room by Debra Vega
Sandstorm by Melody Winter
Reborn by Summer Wier
The Second Greatest Mage in New Egypt by Scott Hughey
Feather of Stone by CC Dowling
Week 2: Fiction of the Fair Folk
If Loving Coffee is Wrong, I Don’t Want to be Right by Scott Hughey
The Gravedigger’s Daughter by Summer Wier
Pook-A-Boo by Shawn Thomas Anderson
Ms. Merilee’s School for Morgens and Merrows by CC Dowling
Knock Knock by Michelle Hoehn
Marry-Go-Round by Felicia Anderson
A Fae’s Lost Child by Alexandra Perchanidou
The Morrigan by N.H. Fennecus
Week 3: Drafting With Phoenix Feathersl
Shrine Road by Drew Hayes
Princess Yuki and the Ten Plates by Felicia Anderson
The Rooster’s Crow by Debra Vega
Price to Pay by Kathleen Palm
Curse of the Winter Moon by Jennifer McCoy
The Iron Lotus by CC Dowling
The Lure of the Night Parade by Shawn Thomas Anderson
Week 4: Romanian Relics Rewritten
Mis-Stake-En Identity by Scott Hughey
Vuk, Nerine, and the Dragon by Melody Winter
A Token of Childhood by Summer Wier
The Sword of the Lost Tsar by Alexandra Perchanidou
The Night of the Lark Moon by Shannara Johnson
Vasilisa XXIII by Shawn Thomas Anderson
The Runner-Ups who will appear right here on the ProjectREUTSway and REUTS Blog:
Heavy Hearted by Michelle Hoehn
Nut, The Forever Lonesome Sky Goddess by Alexandra Perchanidou
Simplicity by Christine K.
Khnum, Creator of People by Alexandra Perchanidou
A Planet of Rubies by Kara Terzis
That Which Came Before by Drew Hayes
The Red Slipper by Megan Wilson
Steal Her Heart by Felicia Anderson
Bizarre Love Pyramid by Shawn Thomas Anderson
Rebirth by Kathleen Palm
The Book of Thoth by Carly Drake
Darling So it Goes by Tiffany Rose
Scream by Sam Hardy
Not Just Any Girl by Jennifer McCoy
The Gift of Avalon by Megan Wilson
Freedom by Mandy Springer
My Lady’s Wish by Melody Winter
Wisdom and War by Kathleen Palm
Die Theta Kappa by Michelle Hoehn
Lady of the Lake by Summer Wier
Princess of Foxes by Alexandra Perchanidou
Monkey Qi, Monkey Do by Scott Hughey
Tricking Time by Mandy Springer
Heart of Ice by Kathleen Palm
St. Andrei by Sam Hardy
Look at What the Wolf Dragoned in by CC Dowling
Congratulations to our winners, runner-ups and all participants! We always have a ton of fun putting on the Project REUTSway Competition, and can’t wait to add another anthology to our collection! And don’t worry, we’ll be hosting PRW for another year! Keep an eye out for announcements in the coming months.
Winners— Contracts will be emailed to you within the coming weeks. Please keep a lookout for them, and make sure any @reuts.com email addresses are added to your contacts so they don’t go straight to spam.
Runner-Ups— An email will be sent out regarding your participation in the PRW Runner-Up Tour, posted on the PRW & REUTS blog.
Thank you!